In Buddhism, giving with pure motivation is called Dana Paramita, which means "the perfection of giving," or generosity. It is the first of the six perfections. In giving, we cultivate joy, and it is truly a way for us to let go and benefit others. We invite you to make a donation to our Mandala Project or our Annual Fund.
The Mandala Project
We estimate that this project, including an endowment for maintenance, will require several million dollars. Clearly this is a challenging endeavor. To fulfill it, your help will be crucial. Only with the commitment of people like you can we hope to maintain a genuine refuge here for generations of those who value tranquility of spirit, clarity of mind, and compassion of the heart. At a time when humanity often seems to be spinning wildly out of control, it is absolutely essential to undertake such an urgent, supremely heartfelt task.
The Annual Fund supports our teachers, dharma offerings, and the whole infrastructure of Sonoma Mountain Zen Center. Income from members, students, and programs covers only a limited portion of our annual expenses. SMZC’s financial health depends wholly on contributions to the Annual Fund. Your Annual Fund donation keeps the zendo doors open and our teachers teaching, thus strongly supporting Sangha and Dharma. Please give as generously as you can.
Planned Giving - Leaving a Legacy
A gift such as this may be the most important donation you can make in your lifetime. It will reduce your tax burden significantly while supporting Sonoma Mountain Zen Center for many years to come. Legacy gifts benefit both donor and recipient. The advantages to the donor are many — tax benefits, recognition, and the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping to ensure our commitment to fully realize Jakusho Kwong-roshi's vision. Such gifts to Sonoma Mountain Zen Center benefit our community by providing a reliable and steady flow of income, allowing us, in turn, to make solid investments in our future programming.
Including a legacy in your estate plan is not complicated. Making Sonoma Mountain Zen Center a beneficiary in your retirement plan, bank account, or life insurance policy is one of the simplest ways to leave a gift of support.
Giving through a will or trust, while simple, does require precise language: bequeathing, for charitable purposes, a percentage or specific dollar amount of assets, to Sonoma Mountain Zen Center. Talk to your lawyer or financial advisor when making bequests in a will or trust, and when setting up annuities or other financial vehicles as gifts to the Center.
When you decide to leave a legacy to Sonoma Mountain Zen Center, contact us so we know of your intentions. Sonoma Mountain Zen Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All contributions of any kind are tax-deductible.
A charitable gift of stock provides an opportunity for tax savings while generously supporting SMZC.
Memorial and Named Gifts
Make a donation to honor or memorialize a family member or friend. In addition to a letter acknowledging your donation, we will inform the designated honoree that you have made a gift in his or her name.
Monetary Gifts
To make a monetary gift, please contact us to transfer funds to our account, or write a check and mail to Sonoma Mountain Zen Center. You may also donate by credit or debit card or through PayPal. Follow the prompts to donate by debit or credit card or PayPal. Sonoma Mountain Zen Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible.
Non-Cash Donations – Gifts-in-Kind
We may accept donations of personal property, marketable securities, and real estate. Gifts of goods or services from individuals or small businesses are also gratefully accepted. Contact us if you’d like us to consider your non-cash gift. Sonoma Mountain Zen Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
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