Morning/Evening Zazen (meditation) drop-ins welcome. Public is welcome!​
Monday – Friday Schedule
5:15 am Meditation
5:50 am Walking meditation
6:00 am Meditation
6:40 am Sutra chanting
7:00 am Breakfast
8:45 am Temple cleaning
9:05 am Work practice
12:00 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Work practice
3:30 pm Rest
6:00 pm Dinner
7:30 pm Meditation
8:10 pm Walking meditation
8:20 pm Meditation
8:55 pm Recite Bodhisattva Vows

The ego is the grist and the schedule is the active grinding stone that wears that down and uncovers Buddha nature.
—Jakusho Kwong-roshi
​ Join us for zazen on zoom also see online programs.
No evening zazen on Mondays
Tuesday night study group in spring and fall
February & August schedule changes to Ango schedule ​
Saturday Community: Meditation and Dharma Talk
Return to the deep silence within and join us for meditation on the weekend. On most Saturdays we host our Saturday Community program which includes meditation instruction from 9–10am to support those who are just getting started. To join us for meditation instruction, please visit the Event Calendar on our website and register to attend. For those who are familiar with meditation, join us for our early morning meditation at 5:15 am to deepen your practice. You are welcome to attend part or the entire schedule. Families with kids of all ages are welcome as well. Read more...
$15 admission
Saturday Schedule* (See online programs to join us on zoom.)
5:15 am Meditation
5:50 am Walking meditation
6:00 am Meditation
6:40 am Sutra chanting
7:00 am Oryoki breakfast
7:45 am Rest
8:30 am–10:00 am Work practice
9:00 am Meditation instruction (Register via Event Calendar)
10:30 am Meditation
11:00 am Dharma talk
12:15 pm–1:30 pm Buffet lunch