Date TBD
Learn the basics of zazen meditation and how to extend its stillness into everyday life. The workshop includes both instruction on Zen forms and informal discussions on Buddhist thought. The schedule includes short periods of seated meditation, outdoor walking meditation, discussion, and a vegetarian buffet lunch.

Tuesdays, March 5 – May 7, 2024, 7:30 – 9:00 pm
$120 all-class pass (8 sesshin) or $15/session
Explore Soto Zen practice and the fundamental teachings of Buddhism as a foundation and inspiration for daily practice in a 12-week course online.

May 20 – May 24, 2024
Learn to sew a rakusu, the symbol of the Buddha's robe, in a class environment in preparation for Jukai; receiving of the Buddhist precepts for lay ordination. Over the course of several weeks, participants will engage in the ancient tradition of rakusu sewing which involves creating the intricate interweaving pattern of Buddha's rakusu with single-minded focus while repeating refuge vows with each stitch. Our lives are the opportunity for continuous practice. Rakusu sewing serves to unify body and mind through the practice of silent and continuous effort.